Aesthetic Sabotage | New York Wedding & Elopement Photographer

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Long Island's Best Engagement Session Locations | Long Island, New York

An engagement session on Long Island is something that can and should be epic as heck. The island offers so many great locations for your engagement photos! Oh man, I love finding new places to take my couples to for their engagement photos! Since moving to Long Island in 2014, I haven't stopped exploring and discovering locations that look great and aren't overcrowded. At first, I did it for myself, so I could run away from my problems at a college or just when I needed time alone. Ya know, sometimes you gotta run away from everything to gather thoughts and get ready for another day/week.
I think I've been everywhere where I could drive my car. I've been several times to Montauk, North Fork, Robert Moses State Park, and Fire Island, Jones Beach, and Sunken Meadow Park... All the good places.

Fire Island

My absolute favorite one is Fire Island with its pathway to the lighthouse and the gorgeous beach. Parking is only $10 per car. If you are there really early in the morning or before the sunset, it's free. The area is popular, but because of its size, it never feels packed there. I would recommend using a mosquito repellent before your session. These bloodsuckers are really annoying before the sunset. Also, don't forget to check your body for ticks after the sesh. These bad boys are present on every beach on Long Island. But to be fair, I've never seen a single tick on Fire Island specifically. So the situation is not that bad, and I hope I haven't scared you.

Here are photos from Tori & Jorge engagement sesh on Fire Island last September. It was a perfect day with one of the most wonderful sunsets I've ever witnessed in my life.

Montauk Lighthouse

Next in my list is Montauk Lighthouse. Ohhhh boy, I love this place. Even though it's a 2-hour drive one way, I always happy to go there whenever I have a chance. Is it my love for lighthouses? Maybe for pebble beaches? I don't know, but what I know is that engagement photos at Montauk Point are absolutely eeeeeepiiiiic! There are plenty of spots to take photos at; the area offers great views on the Atlantic Ocean, and you will definitely have time alone there. I am not the best at describing places with words, so here are photos from Bree & Jason engagement session at Montauk Point:

Pirate's Cove - McAllister County Park

Ok, I haven't been there (yet), but I've heard great things about this place.

I mean, even the name sounds intriguing haha! Also, Pirate's Cove is close to Port Jefferson, so it's possible to take photos at the park and in town in one session. It's an excellent option for someone who wants to cover two different locations during an engagement session.

Old Westbury Gardens

Easily one of the prettiest places on Long Island. Just Google it. I've been there with my mom, but haven't photographed there (yet) though I will shoot a wedding at Old Westbury Gardens this fall. YAY! You need to get a permit for an engagement session, which costs $150 for a 90-min session. That's the only drawback. But hey, the garden is so beautiful that it is worth the price.

Lavender By the Bay

Lavender By the Bay is another fabulous place for your engagement session on Long Island. There are three things you need to remember. Lavender fields bloom in a specific time ( better call the site to be sure when this happens), there is a fee for any photo session which is expensive and the fields are open 9 am -5 pm. That's too late for a sunrise sesh and too early for a sunset sesh. Bummer. However, I've been there and had a blast with Sofia and Omid. I mean, look at their photos, aren't they absolutely lovely?!

Have you been to these places before? Which one do you like the most? Comment below. I want to hear your thoughts and would appreciate your recommendations!
